Hello, I'm Karan Mann.

A frontend developer with a passion for coding, solving problems and creating awesome and meaningful products for people to love ❀️. I also have a background in culinary arts πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³."

About Me

Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology.

Get to know me!

I'm a Frontend Web Developer building the Front-end of Websites and Web Applications that leads to the success of the overall product. Check out some of my work in the Projects section.

I also like sharing content related to the stuff that I have learned over the years in Web Development so it can help other people of the Dev Community. Feel free to Connect or Follow me on my LinkedIn where I post useful content related to Web Development and Programming

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me.

My Skills











Tailwind CSS

Styled Components





Responsive Design







Strapi CMS


Digital Ocean




Here you will find some of the personal and clients projects that I created with each project containing its own case study

Other Projects

50 Days of Code

I spend 50 days of coding everyday. Some were done in minutes and some in days.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Styled Components
  • React
  • SCSS


A Food-lovers paradise. A commercial website for a food delivery service.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Github Tracker

A github repository tracker using the github API.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Edamam - Recipe Search

A recipe search website using the Edamam API.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Pizza Bot

A pizza ordering bot using vanilla Javascript.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Happy Thoughts

I here have made a Twitter Clone using REACT.js where I can fetch messages posted on Heroku/MongoDB and also post them and add likes to the posts.

  • React.js
  • CSS
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku

Blog Posts

Different errors in javascript and what they mean

Different errors in javascript and what they mean

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In this blog we will discuss about different errors in javascript and what they mean. so, let’s get started...

Dynamic imports & to use them to power code splitting in a React applications

Dynamic imports & to use them to power code splitting in a React applications

I have never had the privilege to use dynamic imports until very recently when I used them to power code splitting in a React application...

From a Chef to a Programmer

From a Chef to a Programmer

What I learned in the kitchen and apply to my programming career...

What is React Router, Why use it and How to use it ?

What is React Router, Why use it and How to use it ?

What is React Router? React router is a fully featured client and server side routing library for ReactJS...

< Lets Git to it >_

< Lets Git to it >_

I know using git especially as a command line interface can be quite daunting in the beginning...

Basic Express & Node Server

Basic Express & Node Server

A few days back I was talking to a few friends who like me are beginners in coding...

Contact Me

Get in touch regarding any projects or opportunities you may have or lets just talk about code.

Random Programming Quotes

󠀬󠀬" Computer programs are the most intricate, delicately balanced and finely interwoven of all the products of human industry to date. 󠀬"

- James Gleick